Pub rules apply.
Whether you like it or not.
If you’re going to get all deeply philosophical on yourself - or tackle a big, complex gnarly theme in front of a lot of people – you need to find a way to make it simple.
Really simple.
Or your audience will do that for you.
So a few tips for the Pub of Life:
Have a point. Its noisy out there. Don’t just start ‘talking’ for no reason. A Beginning, Middle and End is all it needs.
Wear your intelligence lightly. There’s a time for seriousness, and it’s a lot less often than you might think. Wait for it to get an invite.
Bring a gift. Don’t just do the basics - put a little extra something into it; something you didn’t have to. It’ll make all the difference.
Brace yourself. Someone’s going to 'take the mick' – guaranteed. Be prepared. In fact, go early. D.I.Y. Self-deprecation can be enlightening and instructive.
Finish what you started. OK. You’ve got my attention. Great. But be clear what you want from me. And what you want me to do at the end.
Otherwise, you run the danger of coming across as a self-interested, time-wasting, overly-serious, up-tight, mean-lipped philosophising Kant.